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Metro Manila/Philippines


(+63) 2 84780649



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(+63) 2 84780649


The success rate of implants has been established to be between95-98 percent.

Relative Contraindications–some patients may have health or social factors that would not completely rule out implant surgery, but in the opinion of the dentist contribute to a poor long term prognosis. Such conditions may include heavy drinking and smoking, teeth grinding or not enough bone in the jaw. If these factors are addressed, then the patient becomes a suitable candidate.

Implant treatment plans may include filling decayed teeth and gum and/or bone surgery to improve any areas planned for implants. Otheroral conditions that might compromise the long-term success of the implants will also be addressed

Ask your dentist if your dental diagnosis would be appropriate for this type of implant

They are commonly used to better stabilize and retain lower dentures. They do not require the dentist to perform as much surgery as a regular sized implant and healing time can be less. Your dentist can determine if mini-implants are suitable in your case

Your dentist or dental hygienist may provide you with other special tooth cleaning tools. You will have invested a large amount of money and time in your implants; for them to last a lifetime, meticulous oral hygiene is required.

Schedule an appointment.