Applied Dental Software – The modern way of implant dentistry

  • Planning software versus guided surgery software
  • Software and Tool manufacturers in guided implant dentistry
  • Nobel Guide
  • Straumann Gonyx
  • Med 3d
  • Benefits of implant planning software in combination with guided surgery

1. Planning Software versus guided surgery software

Nowadays most of 3d imaging systems have build in software tools, such as also often implant planning software (Carestream, Newtom…).

The disadvantage of this software is that planning for guided surgery aren’t possible . The purpose of this type of software is just an imagination of the current bone condition without being able to transfer the planning directly to a surgical template.

However guided surgery software such as Nobel Guide or Co Diagnostix allows the practitioner to transfer his planning in the form of surgical templates to the actual patients.

2. Software and tool Manufacturers in guided implant dentistry

3. Nobel Guide:

Nobel guide is currently the most famous guided implant-system worldwide. The advantage of this system is that the practitioner doesn’t need any special tools, calibration pins or any other specific materials to be able to order a drill guide except for a 3d scan unit.

The practitioner has to scan the actual patient, the first scan must be done without any prosthetic device in situ, the second scan with a simulation of the prosthetic devices made of acrylic with 3 different scannable calibration points. These files will be send via a file-upload-service to Nobel Biocare. Nobel Biocare is matching this 2 scans virtually. Due to the overlapping simulation of the future prosthetic solution , Nobel Biocare can create a surgical template, extremely precise as no overlapping calibration pins are disturbing the imaging.

4. Straumann Gonyx:

To take advantage of the Straumann Gonyx system, a dental laboratory need to support the practitioner to fabricate the surgical templates. In the first step this scan-templates fabricated by the help of gonyx unit and then worn during the 3d scan. Due to 3 integrated titanium pins, the position of the scan-template mounted in the gonyx unit can be matched to the planning software. This planning software allows to position dental implants virtually and transfer it to the physical scan template, to be able to use it as a drill guide.

5. Med 3d:

Med 3d works similiar to the Straumann Gonyx system, one of the main differencs are the reference devices. Med 3d works “Lego” parts which will be integrated into the scan-template instead of titanium pins. Typically Med 3d it’s a bit advanced to the Gonyx system due to the slightly higher precision.

6. Benefits of implant planning software/guided surgery

Patient, practitioner and dental technician are profiting from implant planning software/guided surgery.

  • -The patient due to a better positioned implant, which means eventually a longer lifespan of the implant and a better comfort of wearing prostodontic devices.
  • – The dentist due to a facilitated implant positioning method and less complications after the surgery.
  • – The dental technician due to a facilitate fabrication of the implant-prosthodontic work due to the enhanced implant-position.

2 thoughts on “Applied Dental Software – The modern way of implant dentistry”

  1. How much will cost lower and upper denture implant. Am 72yrs old. Many thanks.

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